Paying Online

Andrews University has three options to choose from when making a payment online. Click on the platform header to learn more.

  • Electronic check payments from US non-commercial checking or savings account
    • free of charge
    • $5 return payment fee
  • Credit card payments
    • 2.95% convenience fee
  • Requires a login and password
Domestic Payment Platform

TouchNet® Student Login

TouchNet® Authorized User Login

  • Wire transfer payments from US or foreign bank accounts
    • US bank transfers, $20 wire fee
    • Foreign bank transfers, no fee
  • Foreign credit cards1
  • Students/Authorized Users will login through TouchNet.
  • Payments can also be made through the TransferMate Guest Portal without a login & password.
Bank Transfers & International Payment Platform

SFS TransferMate page

  • Wire transfer payments from US or foreign bank accounts
    • US bank transfers, $10 wire fee
    • Foreign bank transfers, no fee
  • Foreign credit cards
  • Local payments apps>will vary with country
    • Google Pay, Apple Pay, Alipay, UnionPay, eWallet, Paypal Wallet, wechat, Trustly
  • Requires no login & password-no student account information is given
    • Payers wishing to track payments can create a Flywire account.
Bank Transfers & International Payment Platform


SFS Flywire Page

Flywire-Pay Now


  TouchNet Transfermate Flywire
USD Yes Yes1 Yes2
Foreign Currency No Yes Yes
Bank Transfers No Yes Yes
Credit Cards Yes Yes Yes
ACH (electronic check) Yes No No
529 Payments No No Yes
Payment Apps No No Yes
Fees 2.95% credit card fee $20 US bank transfers $10 US bank transfers
Requirements  login & password

student/authorized user login3

student name & ID#3
Minimum payment No No  $50 min.
  1. Foreign credit cards paying in USD may have a higher convenience fee.
  2. Flywire does not accept US credit cards. Please use TouchNet.
  3. TransferMate Guest Portal & Flywire do not give access to AU account information, so no login & password is required to make a payment. Payer will need to know student's full name and AU ID#. Account setup is required to track payment.

Need help deciding? Contact SFS at 269.471.3334 or by email at

Paying in person? Click on our SFS Cashier page.

Griggs International Academy